Salary Protect

Reliable safety net for salaried individuals, offering protection from unexpected job loss and assistance towards new opportunities.
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Salary Protect

Powering your favourite brands

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3 in 4 Indians don't have a safety net and struggle if they lose their job.

With over 86 million salaried employees, this problem goes deeper

To address this gap, we created salary protect, a plan that protects its members in case of job loss and helps them on their journey to find a new one


Coverage that keeps
your customers secure

Income Support

Offer peace of mind with a 90-day financial aid package for individuals facing job loss, ensuring they have financial support when they need it the most.
Income Support

Placement Benefits

Comprehensive assistance to help individuals find a new job quickly, including premium access to top job portals, personalised profile building and access to our exclusive hiring network.

The assurekit advantage

Our plans go beyond protection, they solve your customers pain points and helps them feel secure. With us, you get:

Trust and security

Providing a safety net builds a trusting relationship, encouraging your customers to rely on you for more than just purchases.

Positive word of mouth

Delivering satisfaction creates advocates out of customers, leading them to spread positive word of mouth in the market.

Higher engagement

When customers feel protected, they engage more with your brand, leading to positive experiences and increased loyalty.


Our claims process is simple

Raising a claim is easy, your customers has to:


Tell us what happened
Answer some simple questions, so that we can understand the event


Upload Documents
Next, give us any bills or evidence that shows what happened


File a Claim
After that, we'll take care of the rest and help you get your claim

Ready to level up?

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